All proceeds will support the development and dissemination of information and promotional material, engagement with community, media, and other organisations, legal support and/or any other activity or action to assist and support this campaign.
Donations can be made to:
Account Name: Whangārei Heads Citizens Association
Account Number: 12 3092 0063538 51
Reference: your last name
Donations over $5 are eligible for tax receipt. If you would like a receipt, please email with your name, amount of deposit and date of deposit. Receipts will be emailed to you within one month of receipt of donation.
This bank account is managed by Whangārei Heads Citizen Association (WHCA). WHCA is an incorporated society registered with Charities Services. Charity Registration Number CC28725.
WHCA has established a sub committee ‘No Sandmining Bream Bay’ who are responsible for the management of all donations for this campaign.
Thank you for your valuable contribution to support this very important campaign.
Melissa Arseneault
Whangārei Heads Citizens Association