As of 11:59 pm Tuesday 20 October, the hall will be reopened with Covid alert Level 2 restrictions in place.
McLeod Bay Hall – Closed at Covid Alert Level 3
Due to the change to Covid Alert Level 3, the McLeod Bay Hall is closed to all users as from 11:59pm Friday 8 October. The hall will remain closed until this area returns to Covid alert level 2.
Be patient, be kind and keep your community safe.
North to the Night – extra session
Because the Wednesday night session has sold out, a second session has been scheduled for Friday 7 May.
North-to-the-Night-2nd-NightLink to the WDC Draft Growth Strategy Feedback report
a copy of the feedback report from the WDC is here
public Meeting: Refining NZ – reconsenting consultation
McLeod Bay Hall, 7:30 pm, Wednesday 8th July
Refining NZ staff will outline the upcoming reconsenting process for the Marsden Point refinery
This is a PUBLIC meeting, and will be held in the McLeod Bay Hall, Wednesday July 8th, starting 7.30pm promptly.
For more information about the reconsenting process (6.4 MB PDF, opens in a new window)
Whangārei Heads civil defence bulletin – 10 april
news update from Whangārei Heads Civil Defence
09 5533 286
Whangarei Heads Civil Defence Help line
Would you like a telephone chat buddy to drink coffee with?
Are you pregnant and would you like to be in contact with women who are in a similar position?
Do you need shopping or medication?
Would you be interested in sharing cooking recipes which were a success?
Do you want to play scrabble on line?
Often we hesitate to ask for help, but these are different times. We don’t know how long the lock down period will last. Having somebody to talk to may just make that difference between struggling through and making it through without too much stress. This is a time in which working together is more important than ever. So why wait till you feel really down: make some connections before it gets to that point.
The help line is not just for people who are elderly or with compromised health. The help line is there for everyone, regardless of age or need.
There are more volunteers at the moment than there are people who need a helping hand. That is good, but we hope that still more people will come forward to offer help if that were required. Ring the help line or send us an email, even if you just want to know a bit more about the service.
Volunteers may want to talk with other volunteers. Don’t hesitate: ring the help line! Let us know. is a website with the latest information, be it Covid-19, food recalls, storms, road closures etc. You can register for free and tailor the alerts per region and city to suit your personal needs.
Tsunami siren testing
This Sunday 5 April (end of Day light saving) the sirens which alert us to impending tsunamis will be tested again. At 10.00hrs they will go for 10 minutes and 10.30hrs they will go again for about 30 seconds. During the entire period the blue flashing light underneath the siren should be flashing.
The sirens are positioned from Ocean Beach to McLeod Bay
The Whangarei Heads Civil Defence Local Response Group has organised for eight volunteers to physically check the sirens. We will collate the feed back and report the findings to the NRC.
Do you need medication?
We have had feed back from various sources that it is now easiest to ask your doctor to fax or email your prescription to the pharmacy. You can ask the chemist to either courier your medication to your home, have it sent with RD4 postie or have it dropped of at Parua Bay for collection by yourself or a person who wants to do this for you.
To minimize the impact of Covid-19 we have to work all together
A new online form has been released for the public to report incidents of people breaching the COVID-19 alert level four restrictions.
The form can be found at
Stay safe and be kind to one another.
In the back of the Whangarei Heads Newsletter are phone numbers for members of the Whangarei Heads Civil Defence Local Response Group. If you have concerns which you believe Civil Defence can address, let us know.
The Whangarei Heads Civil Defence Local Response Group
Whangarei Heads Community COVID-19 Assistance Team
Covid-19 business support – A Practical Guide for Northland Businesses
Please find a link below which you may find of assistance. It gives programme information and contact numbers. It has been produced by Northland Inc the regions’ economic development unit based in the Orchard, 35 Walton Street.
WDC – Essential Covid-19 Information for Customers
From WDC Councillor Greg Innes:
Here is the place to go for consistent council related information.
The link below is to the page on our website which we and customers can visit for answers to straight forward questions about Council operations during lock down. The aim of this page is to ensure messages are consistent regardless of who is answering.
It includes (on the right hand side under “resources”) links to the government’s Covid 19 page, and to the MSD page which has government information for businesses and employees.